Andrew Stojkovich writes of tension.

Moving from Chicago to Colorado was a shock. Whining sirens became whistling birds and little more than that. In more ways than one, Andrew confronted different walks of life. He began to write.

Studying philosophy at Boston University, Andrew encountered the tension that went far beyond these obvious differences. He was interested by the contradictions we house within ourselves. He discovered that the best way to unearth, examine, and understand the tense facets of life was through writing.

This opposition is the backbone of Andrew’s writing. Paired with humor, wit, and attempts at self-examination, his writing spans many forms: essays, literary fiction, creative non-fiction, journalism, and more.

His writing has been published in various journals, newspapers, and, most recently, has been presented at the 2024 Psychology and the Other Conference in London.

He presently writes out of Driggs, ID.